Chairperson Political Science Message

Welcome to the department of Political Science and International Relations (DPSIR). Politics and development go hand in hand. The rapidly transforming world has made it imperative to understand the political phenomenon behind it. From the global threat of terrorism to transnational network of economic linkages there is role of politics everywhere.
The department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Management and Technology Lahore is a vibrant department where the emphasis is on quality through teaching and research. It is one of the few departments in Pakistan where there is a healthy balance of gender equality and faculty development. We have amongst us highly qualified and professional faculty members with eleven male and six females. Seven of our faculty members are PhD (doctorates) from top universities like Queens UNiversity Befast, Ireland, Leiden University Holland, National Defense UNiversity, Islamabad and the University of Punjab Lahore. The resty of the faculty are Mphil from top universities. All of our programs are HEC approved programs. Our flag ship research seminars for our Mphil students carry a thorough approach towards helping the Mphil (International Relations and Political Science) students for writing up their research thesis. In these seminars, the students are methodologically monitored and given feedback by the faculty at various stages of their thesis. The BS International Relations program is also very popular amongst our undergraduate students. Our PhD in International Relations Program has been approved from Higher Education Commission Islamabad (Link is given for further clarity and the focus of out PhD is on quality research. I am sure that once you become part of our student fraternity you will yourself feel the difference of the qualitative edge we are providing at our department which has no comparison amongst our sister institutions in Pakistan.
Dr Muhammad Usman Askari
Chairperson Department of Political Science and International Relations
PhD International Relations, University of Punjab, Pakistan