Mr.Adil Aftab Kashmiri who has done Mphil, in Sociology (Specialization in Criminology) from UMT is an Advocate High Court and is a partner of the law firm Adil & Bilal ( He has expertise in Civil, Banking and Corporate laws. He has handled wide range of cases related to Land Disputes, Money matters, Family matters, Corporate disputes in various courts including the High Courts, Civil Courts, Criminal Courts, Banking Courts, Custom Courts, Family Courts and Service Tribunals. Apart from this, he is also a visiting Lecturer in prestigious legal institutions of Lahore teaching Corporate & Commercial Laws, Property laws, Administrative and Service laws, Industrial and Labour laws etc.
Mr. Adil Aftab Kashmiri Mphil Sociology (Specialization in Criminology)
My name is Humaira Baber Sheikh and working in UMT as visiting lecturer. I graduated from UMT in 2017 and now being a part of it again as lecturer is a marvelous experience for me. UMT is not only a place of a great opportunity for me but my second home as well where I can get big opportunities to grow professionally.
Humaira Baber Sheikh Visiting Lecturer
My name is Sonia Razzaq. I am graduate from University of Management and Technology. And now University provided me opportunity to spread my knowledge with UMT family. I am serving as visiting lecturer here.
Sonia Razzaq Visiting Lecturer
UMT has been a great experience for me so far.The classes are small, which means every student gets his fair share of attendance to do well in their respective course. The professors and stuff are friendly and easy to approach when help is needed which makes life alot easier. I graduated from UMT with an M.Sc & M.Phil Sociology and this program give me invaluable skill set uncritical thinking, communication and research. I was truly honoured to be here.
Shameen Noor
MS.C Sociology
Ms. Bukhatawar Khan, Lecturer at GC Women University Sialkot, Department of Sociology M.Phil. Sociology-UMT-Lahore. Miss Bukhatawar Khan has spent much of life studying, researching and dealing with taboo issues prevailing in Pakistan like, fornication, Adultery and infidelity. She presented her work at university of Malaya, Malaysia and awarded with best research award/title in2017.Ms. Bukhatawar earned her post-graduate in sociology with special reference to criminology from UMT-Lahore. Her passion of working’’ for humanity and with humanity Started only when she was a student of 8th standard. Her journey didn’t stopped here, she was awarded with double gold-medal and many other scholarships. She was also awarded with ‘’ Sardar of Kot’’ medal in 2014 at Punjab University- Lahore. Her number of research are 31. And still she is continuing her passion by engaging herself in causes of humanity.
Ms. Bukhatawar Khan M.Phil. Sociology UMT
My experience as a student of Sociology at UMT remain full of excitement, encouragement and fruitfulness. I learnt multiple academic and co-academic skills during my Bachelor’s degree. I received Rector Medal on 17th UMT convocation for achieving academic excellence. I continue my studies and took admission in MPhil program to upgrade my research abilities under the quality assistance of Sociology department. Teaching standers at UMT is quite brilliant, our teachers always encourage and support us to enhance our analytical, tactical, technical, mechanical and practical capabilities. Alhamdulillah, I had published seven research articles in International and HEC recognized Journals, twenty five plus research blogs publications on diverse subjects. Furthermore, I had also made two documentaries on communication in Punjabi and childhood cancer. Sociology department enable me to stay confident, positive and utilize the abilities to serve others. I am looking forward to achieve further academic milestones with the courtesy of my teachers and pray for the well strength and glory of Sociology department and its faculty members. My message is: Be unite – Stay Social
Muhammad Faizan M.Phil Sociology