Faculty Profile

Amna Farooq


School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Department of Sociology

 : [email protected]   

Amna Farooq is currently serving as Lecturer in the department of Sociology, the University of Management and Technology (UMT) in Lahore. She has earned her BS (Hons) and MPhil in sociology from the University of Management and Technology (UMT) in Lahore. She has worked with UMT and Lahore Collège for women university as visiting faculty and has taught courses of Sociology, sociology of Development, Anthropology, Sociology of law &Human rights and Gender Studies.

Publication Type Title Journal Name Impact Factor Year of Publication
Publications in indexed/HEC recognized/UMT recognized journals/Case Study (published in recognized in journals) Conceptualization of Religious Belonging of Christian Youth in Higher Education Journal of Islamic thought and Civivlization 0.000 2019
Degree Name & Area Year University City,Country
M Phil Sociology UMT Lahore Pakistan
BS Social Sciences UMT, Lahore Pakistan
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