Academic Programs

PhD Education Degree Program - Core Courses

Overview Core Courses

Road Map for PhD Education Degree Completion

  • Research Proposal Development, 2 credit hours
  • Academic Writing (workshop or Short course) zero credit hour
  • Qualitative Data Analysis (workshop or Short course) zero credit hour
  • Inferential Data Analysis (workshop or Short course) zero credit hour
  • Use of different Software & Research Tools

Doctoral Dissertation (25 credit hours) [ED999]

  • Deficiency courses if required
  • Compulsory Course Work 20 credit hours
  • Subject GRE International / Local
  • Comprehensive Examination
  • Research Work 25 credit hours
  • Extra course(s) as recommended by the Research committee
  • Mandatory research workshops (1 international level & two national level)
  • Conference & Seminar presentations (1 international level & two national level)
  • Research Proposal Acceptance by BASAR
  • Completion of Research Report (dissertation) according to approved topic comprising 24000 words or more
  • Publication in HEC approved Journal category ‘Y’ & above
  • Research Defense

(Makeup policy needed)

  • Deficiency Courses for persons who do not have degree in Education
  • Deficiency Courses/assignments for persons who have not done research in MPhil
  • Deficiency Courses for persons with lesser CGPA than 3.0.

Compulsory Courses (2 courses, 8 Credit Hours)

  1. Philosophical Perspectives of Education (ED701)
  2. Research Trends in Education (ED708)

General Courses (2 courses, 8 Credit Hours)

One from the following:

  1. Psychological Dimensions of Education (ED702)
  2. Social and Political Contexts of Education (ED700)

                      & / or

  1. Any one from the list of Interdisciplinary courses

Areas of Specializations (2 courses, 6 credit hours)

Leadership & Management

  1. Leading Innovation & Change (ED755)
  2. Seminar on Educational Leadership & Management (ED813)

Curriculum & Instruction

  1. Perspectives of Curriculum Development (ED756)
  2. Seminar on Curriculum & Instruction (ED812)

Assessment & Evaluation

  1. Test Theories & Designs (ED758)
  2. Seminar on Assessment & Evaluation (ED814)

Teacher Education

  1. Perspectives of Teacher Education (ED759)
  2. Seminar on Teacher Education (EDU851)

Science Education

  1. Perspectives of Science Education (ED761)
  2. Seminar on Science Education (ED817)

Mathematic Education

  1. Perspectives of Mathematic Education (ED762)
  2. Seminar on Mathematic Education (ED818)

Future Development Areas

  • Entrepreneurship in Education
  • Higher education


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