Academic Programs

BS Special Needs Education (BSSNE)-Road Map

Overview Road Map

Semester I

Name of SubjectNatureCr. Hrs.
English-I Compulsory 3
Pakistan Studies Compulsory 3
Statistics I Compulsory 3
Life and Learning General 3
Introduction to Psychology General 3
Introduction to Special Education Foundation 3
Total 18

Semester II

Name of SubjectNatureCr. Hrs.
English II Compulsory 3
Islamic Studies Compulsory 3
Statistics II Compulsory 3
Introduction to Sociology General 3
Ideology of Pakistan General 3
Human Growth and Development Foundation 3
Total 18

Semester III

Name of SubjectNatureCr. Hrs.
English III Compulsory 3
Introduction to computer Compulsory 3
Introduction to Mass Communication General 3
Methods of Social Research General 3
Human Exceptionalities Foundation 3
Total 15

Semester IV

Name of SubjectNatureCr. Hrs.
Islam and Society Compulsory 3
Urdu Literature General 3
Introduction to philosophy General 3
Educational Psychology Foundation 3
Teaching of Reading and Writing Foundation 3
Total 15

Semester V

Name of SubjectNatureCr. Hrs.
Instructional Strategies in Special Education Foundation 3
Adaptation in Curriculum and Instructions Foundation 3
Assessment and Evaluation in Special Education Major 3
Techniques of Counseling, Guidance and Therapy Major 3
School, Community Collaborative Development Major 3
Total 15

Semester VI

Name of SubjectNatureCr. Hrs.
Low-incidence exceptionalities Foundation 3
Early Childhood Special Education Foundation 3
Production of resource Material in Multimedia Major 3+1
Inclusive Education: Theory and Practice Major 3
Teaching Practice I Major 4
Total 17

Semester VII

Name of SubjectNatureCr. Hrs.
Differentiated Teaching in Regular Classroom Major 3
Research methods in special education Major 3
Introduction to Mental Retardation/introduction to Hearing Impairment/Introduction to Orthopedic and Health Impairment /Introduction to Visual Impairment Elective (i) 3
Autism Spectrum Disorder/Non-verbal Pedagogy OR Teaching of Speech and Auditory Skills/ Neurological Disorder and Management /Education of Children with Low Vision Elective (ii) 3
Teaching Practice II Major 3+1
Total 16

Semester VIII

Name of SubjectNatureCr. Hrs.
Policy, Management and Administration in Special Education Major 3
Planning and Implementation of IEP Major 3
Methods of Teaching Speech and Language/ Introduction to Learning Disabilities/ Teaching of Braille, Orientation and Mobility / Educational Audiology Elective (iii) 3
Internship (Disability Specific) Elective (iv) 3
Research Project Major 3+1
Total 16
Total Credit Hours 130

Fee Structure

300,000 Rupees payable in 4 years in equal quarterly installments. Special discounts are available for students with special needs.

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