Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization

the dean

Dr. Hassan Shakeel Shah

Chairperson Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization

Chairperson's Message

Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization takes pride in being the leading department of Islamic Knowledge in the private sector. It holds its forte in top-quality research endeavors, especially by welcoming diversity. It pursues expansion and distinctiveness in the domain of Islamic Sciences and inculcation of the true spirit of Islam so that scholars can become prodigious ambassadors of Islam. Along with that, work on Interfaith/culture/civilization dialogue, contemporary socio-cultural issues, and social welfare form an integral part of our institute. Our department encourages critical thinking, meaningful discourse, and research-backed knowledge that nurtures the scholars to have a balanced approach and brings them to par with international graduates.

I, as Chairperson of DITC, welcome you to join our department and have an unparalleled all-around learning experience. We hope to build and nourish a dynamic world of knowledge and research together.

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