Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization


M.Phil & Ph. D in Islamic Thought and Civilization and M.Phil Islmic Studies specialization in Seerat-un-Nabi (S.A.W) programs aim to strengthen research and teaching about Islam, including almost all courses of Islamic Studies being taught by the universities at M. Phil and Ph. D level, giving specific attention to Islamic thought and civilization and Seerah in contemporary settings.

The programs seek to provide a unique and multifaceted approach to the study of Muslim thought and civilization by placing the study of Islam within a framework of the religious and civilizational study, allowing for a wider analytical and comparative perspective.

The department offers the following degree programs;

  1. Ph.D Islamic Thought and Civilization
  2. M.Phil Islamic Thought and Civilization
  3. M.Phil Islamic Studies Specialization in Seerat un Nabi SAW

Details are as follows:

M.Phil Islamic Thought and Civilization

Aims and Objectives

  • To promote awareness about the basis and salient features of Islamic Thought and Civilization.
  • To open new vistas of instructions and research in Islamic thought and civilization.
  • To promote studies and research in Islamic thought and civilization involving conceptual analyses, clarifications and elaborations of Islamic key concepts.
  • To provide solution of cultural, educational, scientific and epistemological problems encountered by Muslims in the present age.
  • To provide an Islamic response to the intellectual and cultural challenges of the modern world.
  • To produce Muslim scholars for inter-faith and Inter-civilization discussions and dialogues.
  • To highlight the role of Islam in development of various fields of knowledge and global civilization.
  • To establish an international reputed institute of teaching and research in the field of Islamic Thought & Civilization.

Merits of the Programs

High quality research and advanced courses are the strength of these programs, which are supported by professional and dedicated faculty, excellent library facilities and ample financial assistance.

  • The programs are research based and latest research methods and techniques in vogue in Western world are introduced to participants so that they can conduct effective research, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
  • Ways and means are identified to provide participants an opportunity to explore countries of the Muslim world, so that they can write reports on problems and challenges being faced by the Muslim societies and recommend solutions to the problems.
  • In addition to the intellectual and academic resources available locally, foreign Muslim scholars and even non-Muslim scholars will be invited to share their knowledge with the participants.
  • We are trying to involve people in the corporate sector, government agencies and even in private sector that are in decision making position and wish to take decisions in Islamic perspective. These programs can help and inculcate true Islamic spirit in these people.
  • The programs have been designed to address real world issues in objective and rational manner in Islamic perspective, avoiding sectarianism or any affiliation with specific religious or political ideologies. Hence, curriculum has been developed in a way which reflects impartiality, rationality and views of all schools of thought and not limited to any single sect, ideology and framework.
  • The participants are educated and trained in a way that they can affectively participate and play a role in interfaith and inter-civilization dialogue

All that is required on the part of the student is enthusiasm and genuine interest in the subject.

Career Opportunities

  • M. Phil/Ph. D degree in Islamic Thought & Civilization will widen career options including existing opportunities in public and private sector educational institutions.
  • World's interest in Islam has increased many folds and consequently most of the world / Western universities have introduced courses on the study of Muslim civilization. These universities are looking for highly qualified and skilled teachers. Our program is designed to produce such teachers.
  • Debate on Islam has also increased in print and electronic media and policy making institutions nationally and internationally. This program would prepare scholars to initiate dialogue in Islamic perspective in these organizations.
  • Research on Islam has also increased in public and private sector universities and research institutions. This program would prepare researchers who are able to conduct research in these institutions in Islamic perspective.

Admission will be on merit on the following criteria:Admission Criteria – M. Phil Islamic Thought & Civilization

  • MA/BS (Hons)/Sixteen years of education in any discipline from a HEC recogniszed university or institute
  • At least second division MA/BS (Hons)
  • Passing of University Graduate Assesment Test (U-GAT General) or NTS (GAT General)
  • Interview performance

There are no Age, Nationality and Gender restrictions.

Degree Requirement

  • Course work:                   24 Credit Hours
  • Research Work:               Thesis 6 Credit Hours
  • Total Credit Hours:          30
  • CGPA Required:                2.5

Program Duration

  • Duration:                          2 years
  • Course work:                   2 Semesters
  • Research work:               2 Semesters

Fee Structure for Fall 2024

  • Admission Fee:                 PKR 25,000/- (Non-refundable/Non-transferable and will be charged with 1st installment)
  • Program Total Fee:          PKR 590,000/- 
  • Quarterly Fee:                  PKR 73,750/-

M.Phil Islamic Studies Specialization in Seerat-un-Nabi (S.A.W)

UMT is aware of the challenges being faced by Muslim communities today. Islam, undoubtedly the top religion of the world, is labeled by its opponents and orientalists as a religion of depravity, injustice and terrorism. This misrepresentation needs to be addressed and presented in national and global platforms through dialogue. The exigency requires us to develop such course of actions which includes advancement of education system and initiating programs that could meet the desired standards in multi disciplines. We have to prepare such intellectuals who are skilled at research and have knowledge of Seerah & Sunnah accompanied by contemporary education to represent the real identity of Islam according to the eminent characters it possess. We must have to incorporate and vivify the golden message hidden in the books of Seerah and Sunnah and from the lessons of history which is available in various spheres of practical fields of real life like business & trade, property rights, leadership & governance, human rights & social justice, global peace and women rights etc., to avoid any ambiguity and uncertainty. Our primary purpose is to align and brighten up the minds of youth by giving them a platform where they can acquire knowledge through utilizing modern and latest educational facilities backed by sate of the art infrastructure to enlighten their innate abilities towards the development of society through academic research, spiritual development and human welfare. In order to strengthen and transform the education from traditional to contemporary requirements, UMT has established the department of Seerah (Seerat Chair) particularly for promoting Seerah education for initiation and acceleration of research. We have launched recently a program named M.Phil. Islamic Studies (Major in Seeratun Nabi SAW). Our mission is to equip our students with modern tools of learning with innovative ideas for spreading and disseminating the message of Seerah. Our primary vision is to achieve excellence in our targets while at the same time achieving the following objectives:

  1. To conduct research on Seerah from authentic and original sources;
  2. To organize and dissemination of message through translation and compilation;
  3. To generate research by emphasizing its importance and significance to society;  
  4. To relate Seerah with contemporary times in an attempt to enlighten the course of development of human society and civilization;
  5. To develop degree programs, diploma programs and short courses based upon the knowledge and research of Seerah;
  6. To develop network at national and global level with researchers, academicians etc. 
  7. To organize a major repository for subject matter of Seerah;
  8. To promote professional excellence in the field of Seerah
  9. To collect and preserve of rare manuscripts of this discipline;
  10. To initiate planning and mobilizing for the construction of a self-reliant institution for the study of Seerah and Sunnah


Admission will be on merit on the following criteria:Admission Criteria – M. Phil Islamic Studies Specialization in Seerat un Nabi (S.A.W)

  • MA/BS (Hons)/Sixteen years of education in any discipline from a HEC recogniszed university or institute
  • At least second division MA/BS (Hons)
  • Passing of University Graduate Assesment Test (U-GAT General) or NTS (GAT General)
  • Interview performance

There are no Age, Nationality and Gender restrictions.

Degree Requirement

  • Course work:                  24 Credit Hours
  • Research Work:              Thesis 6 Credit Hours
  • Total Credit Hours:         30
  • CGPA Required:               2.5

Program Duration

  • Duration:                         2 years
  • Course work:                  2 Semesters
  • Research work:              2 Semesters

Fee Structure for Fall 2024

  • Admission Fee:                 PKR 25000/- (Non-refundable/Non-transferable and will be charged with 1st installment)
  • Program Total Fee:          PKR 590,000/- 
  • Quarterly Fee:                  PKR 73,750



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