Faculty Profile

Dr Sarosh Iqbal

Acting Chairperson Department of of Sociology, Assistant Professor, HEC Approved Supervisor

School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Department of Sociology

 : [email protected]   

With an extensive experience of more than 19 years of research and teaching, Dr. Sarosh Iqbal is currently serving as an Assistant Professor (Sociology) in the School of Social Sciences & Humanities at UMT. She has completed her doctorate in Sociology, and Post Graduate Diploma in Knowledge Management. Her research interests include the Sociology of Health & Illness, Sociology of Family, and Digital Sociology. Dr. Iqbal has experience in managing research with multiple development partners, e.g., World Bank, USAID, World Health Organization, DFID/UKHSA, and UN agencies. She has authored multiple research manuscripts published in high impact factor, Scopus indexed and HEC recognized journals.

  • Sociology of Health
  • Project Management
  • Sociology of Family
Name of Organization Designation Start Date End Date
Contech International Chief Researcher/ Senior Consultant 01-01-2020 30-09-2022
Publication Type Title Journal Name Impact Factor Year of Publication
International Publications with impact factor (2.0 and above) Trend analysis of multi-level determinants of maternal and newborn postnatal care utilization in Pakistan from 2006 to 2018: Evidence from Pakistan Demographic and Health Surveys BMC Public Health 4.500 2023
Publications in indexed/HEC recognized/UMT recognized journals/Case Study (published in recognized in journals) Postnatal Care Attendance and its contributing factors in Pakistan: Analysis of Demographic and Health Survey 2017-18. Postnatal Care Attendance and its contributing factors in Pakistan: Analysis of Demographic and Health Survey 2017-18 Pakistan Journal of Social Issues 0.000 2022
Publications in indexed/HEC recognized/UMT recognized journals/Case Study (published in recognized in journals) Comprehensive knowledge and positive attitude of married men regarding HIV/ AIDS in Pakistan: Evidence from Demographic and Health Survey 2017-18. CARC Research in Social Sciences 0.000 2023
Degree Name & Area Year University City,Country
PhD Sociology PU - Punjab University Lahore Pakistan
M Phil Sociology PU - Punjab University Lahore Pakistan
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