Faculty Profile

Farooq e Azam


School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Department of Sociology

 : [email protected]     : 03334354789   

Starting a career as a development sector professional back in 2008 after completing Masters in Social Sciences, I remained working in different national and international organizations (NGOs) and consultancy firms till 2015. I continued fulfilling my desires for learning along with professional life and completed M.Phil Gender Studies in 2015 and joined academia in 2016 as Research Associate at Lahore Leads University. My interests in research motivated me pursuing for PhD in Gender Studies (2016-24) along with teaching and publications. So, since 2017 I am teaching undergraduate level courses and have published multiple research articles. As teacher I believe satisfying all the queries of my students is the indicator of my professional achievement.

  • Quantitative Research Methods
  • Feminist Movement and Theories
  • Sociology of Gender
  • Psychology of Gender
  • Statistics in Social Sciences
  • Construction of Gender Identities
  • Gender Relations Bargaining
  • Polygamy and Gender Relations
  • Gender and Development
  • End-Line Evaluation of SGBV project of R-FPAP (2018)
  • Mid-Line Evaluation of SGBV project of R-FPAP (2018)
Name of Organization Designation Start Date End Date
University of Management and Technology Lahore Lecturer 05-08-2019 Present
University of the Punjab Lahore Lecturer 13-02-2017 22-02-2019
Lahore Leads University Lahore Research Associate 01-06-2015 30-11-2015
DRIVE Consultants Pvt Ltd Program Manager Research 02-01-2012 31-05-2015
Marie Stops Society Kasur In-Charge Field Operations 20-11-2008 16-04-2010
Publication Type Title Journal Name Impact Factor Year of Publication
Publications in indexed/HEC recognized/UMT recognized journals/Case Study (published in recognized in journals) Gender analysis of Folk Punjabi Literature Khoj (University of the Punjab) 0.000 2018
Publications in indexed/HEC recognized/UMT recognized journals/Case Study (published in recognized in journals) Gender Issues in Children’s Literature: An Analysis of Fairytales Pakistan Journal of Education 0.000 2018
Publications in indexed/HEC recognized/UMT recognized journals/Case Study (published in recognized in journals) Nuclearization of family and the status of elderly women: A case study of District Sargodha Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan 0.000 2018
International Publications with impact factor (2.0 and above) Prevalence of Hygiene Related Diseases in Psychiatric Patients International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research 69.460 2018
Publications in indexed/HEC recognized/UMT recognized journals/Case Study (published in recognized in journals) Polygamy in Islam: Cultural pressures and religious justifications in Pakistan Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization 0.000 2021
Publications in indexed/HEC recognized/UMT recognized journals/Case Study (published in recognized in journals) Factors Affecting Pakistani Women Doctors’ Decisions of Career Pursuance: A Study of Women doctors in Sialkot. Psychology and Education Journal 0.000 2022
Publications in indexed/HEC recognized/UMT recognized journals/Case Study (published in recognized in journals) Gender barriers for women in construction of cyber-self: A study in Pakistani socio cultural context Applied Psychology Review 0.000 2023
Degree Name & Area Year University City,Country
MPhil- Gender Studies University of the Punjab Pakistan
MA- Gender Studies University of the Punjab Pakistan
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